California Court of Appeal Limits Cost Shifting in Employment Claims

The California Court of Appeal’s decision in Chavez v. California Collision, 2024 WL5064368, has significant implications for wage and hour claims, particularly in the context of settlement offers and attorney’s fees. While Code of Civil Procedure § 998 typically allows cost recovery if a settlement offer is rejected and a worse judgment is obtained, this case clarifies that…

New California Law Protects Freelance Workers

On September 28, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Freelance Worker Protection Act (FWPA) into law, effective January 1, 2025. This law enhances protections for freelance independent contractors, requiring businesses to obtain written contracts for specified professional services, and requiring that such freelance workers are timely paid. Here are some key elements of the…

What California Employers Need to Know about New Privacy Policy Requirements

A new California law which became effective in March 2024 has made California employers scramble to implement effective privacy protection policies for their employees. The new law, the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), imposes the requirements of existing privacy rights law to personal data that employers obtain from their employees, leaving many of them asking…

Nicholas Roxborough Newly Appointed Commissioner of the CHSWC

Roxborough, Pomerance, Nye & Adreani is thrilled to announce the appointment, by Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon, of its partner, Nicholas Roxborough, to the California Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation (CHSWC). The Commission is a statutorily created joint labor-management body charged with examining the health and safety and workers’ compensation systems in…

As Featured in Forum Magazine: Exposing expert bias to defeat the genuine dispute doctrine

Drew Pomerance, Senior Partner at Roxborough Pomerance Nye & Adreani, LLP  lends his years of insurance litigation experience to an article he authored which appears in this month’s edition of FORUM Magazine, published by the Consumer Attorneys of California. The article discusses the all too familiar situation where insurance carriers deny legitimate claims by relying…

Applied Underwriters’ California Ins Company More Controversial Acts

Amidst charges of unapproved and uncollateralized loans to affiliates, unapproved property transfers, the California Department of Insurance’s Conservation and Liquidation Office says it is drafting a unilateral “rehabilitation” plan for California Insurance Company (CIC). The plan will transfer its policies to another carrier and resolve the numerous filed lawsuits pending between Applied Underwriters / CIC…